Eric Blot | violinmaker

The realization of this important work is a result of the extensive scientific research made with the occasion of the exhibition “Gio: Paolo Maggini in Brescia. Secoli di dettagli” that took place at the “Palazzo Martinengo” from June 9th to July 8th 2007 in Brescia, Italy. The exhibition was realized and made possible thanks to the instrument loans from important museums, foundations, private collections from around the world and the City of Brescia.
The time that separated us from the end of the exhibition to the publishing of this definitive draft of the book was mainly dedicated to essay writing (Charles Beare, Carlo Chiesa, Marco Bizzarini and Ugo Orlandi, John Dilworth, Ugo Ravasio, Duane Rosengard) photographing and describing the instruments, coordination work (Eric Blot, Filippo Fasser, Christopher Reuning) and nevertheless the deepening of the historical and scientific research made by the committee.  The makers presented here are from the De Micheli family (Pellegrino and Zanetto), Gasparo Bertolotti da Salo, Francesco Bertolotti da Salo, Gio: Paolo Maggini, Giovanni Battista Rogeri and Pietro Giacomo Rogeri and the instruments that we are very happy to feature in this volume, are more than forty-five of which thirty were on display at the Brescia exhibit.

€ 300,00


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